Innovation Unleashed Your Partner in Online Excellence

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Empower Businesses To Thrive In Digital Age

At Unicorn Grooms, we see ourselves as the Stablers to your upcoming Unicorn Brands. Our ultimate goal is to help brands achieve Unicorn status through our comprehensive digital marketing services.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become the global leader in producing the highest number of Unicorns companies worldwide, supported by our unparalleled and comprehensive range of services.

Our Mission

Empower entrepreneurs and businesses with exceptional resources, guidance, and support to unlock their full potential. Through our unparalleled services, we catalyze the creation of the most global Unicorns, driving innovation and fueling economic growth.

Faces of Digital MasteryOur Talented Team

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Jean Reyes

Chief Executive Officer

Albert Cruz

Head of Technology

Emily Anderson

Account Manager

Eric Fisher

Head of Marketing

About our Founder

Hitesh Rajpurohit

In 2019, Mr. Hitesh Rajpurohit, the Founder of Unicorn Grooms,
embarked on a journey to fulfill the digital marketing needs of
various brands. Drawing from his experience as a founding team member of a Mumbai-based agency, he aimed to offer
comprehensive solutions in this ever-evolving domain.

In 2023, he introduced Unicorn Grooms with a fresh perspective, placing a distinct focus on supporting entrepreneurs and small brand owners.

Unicorn Grooms team consists of individuals with a minimum of 4 years of experience, boasting hands-on expertise from
collaborating with leading Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brands in India. This solid foundation propels us forward as we strive to drive success and growth in the digital realm.

Ignite Growth with Our Proven Strategic Approach

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Our track record speaks for itself. We've consistently delivered exceptional results, propelling businesses to the forefront of digital success. When you choose us, you choose a proven path to excellence.

Transform Your Online Presence Take the First Step Today!

We’re ready to empower your business with strategic solutions. Take the first step towards digital excellence.